Uki: Song dedicated to love (Video)

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Song Title: Uki - Larg

Excellent song from Uki titled Larg, is the offical video Song. The music is made by music production Flow and published on Youtube official channel label Mbreti Records, label for the creation and management of artistic works. In recent years, this label has been very successful in the management of artists and artistic projects. Uki is a newcomer who, after the release of the song, managed to be part of many interviews on digital Portals, on well-known Televisions and recently he was part of several Radio broadcasts. These helped him to be part of popular playlists on YouTube and spotify, as an example in the list hitet shqip 2022 which is part of the well-known YouTube music channel. Within a few days, the music project had over a hundred thousand hits on digital networks.

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